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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Information Technology is just like a bundle of all these things

          When we say WATER PIPING SYSTEM, it is related to the general health of any municipality depends on the potable water piping systems it uses to provide an adequate supply of fresh water and to remove that water once we are finished with it. A water distribution system is the system of piping that carries water into and out of an inhabited building or series of buildings. To protect the public health, every inhabited building must provide a fresh and safe supply of "potable" water for drinking. Information Technologists are the one who managed this system because it was created by humans, so this system is bundled with information technology because it is run by the assigned technologists.
          As we proceed to ELECTRICAL LINING SYSTEM, it is related to the railway lining system that supplies electrical energy to railway locomotives and multiple units so that they can operate without having an on-board prime mover. There are several different electrification systems in use throughout the world. Railway electrification has many advantages but requires significant capital expenditure for installation. This is the system that controls all the things that is operated by an electricity, and manipulated by those technologists assigned to this system.When we say it is bundled to information technology, the greatest thing we considered is the creator of this system and the operator for this, so that, it has the connection to each other.
          The BICYCLE is bundled to Information Technology because its uses is came from technology and what are its functions. A bicycle is also known as a bike, pushbike or cycle is a pedal-driven, human-powered, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist or a bicyclist. The invention of the bicycle has an big impact on society, both in terms of culture and of advancing modern industrial methods of its uses. Their are several components that eventually played a key role in the development of the automobile were originally invented for the bicycle such as; ball bearings, pneumatic tires, chain-driven sprockets, spoke-tensioned wheels, etc. Bicycling is not just for the super athlete.  For a start, various cycle technologies are used by people from two years old to more than one-hundred and two years old.  More and more cycle technologies are being develop to get differently abled people on bikes, over more kinds of terrain, in more types of whether, and more of the time.
          The ROADS AND HIGHWAYS is one of the progress of a such country or city for their development. The projects of all roads and highways are design by the engineers, as we all know that they use also the power technologies, so that they will be helped by the Information Technologists for them to accomplish their plans for their projects, in that case, it is bundled to Information Technology. And for the frontrunner in information technology and telecommunications of U.S. technological leadership is in a state of decline, and the U.S. has fallen from 1st to between 15th and 21st in the world in terms of broadband access, adoption, speeds and prices. Much as the construction of the interstate highway system linked the country with a network of high-speed highways and transformed transportation and commerce in the 1950s, by leveraging this same transportation infrastructure we can construct a public access high-speed fiber highway system to transform and democratize broadband and advanced telecommunications.Federal highway projects offers the most cost-effective means to bring high-speed fiber connectivity to nearly every community in the nation and create a nationwide fiber infrastructure of unrivaled capacity.
          The LIBRARY is the source of stored knowledge, and the person that uses the library can say that the library is a belief to facilitate production & dissemination of knowledge, information, insights & intellect in all communities. Then for an academic program or a business program, the participants are facilitated with the latest reading resources from all over the world. The collection includes resources relevant to teaching, learning, training, research and consultancy needs of the community. The strength of the library collection are it’s electronic resources that include online databases like e-Library and e-books, etc. All the databases are IP-authenticated which makes them easily accessible from anywhere on the campus. Moreover wi-fi enabled campus adds to the comfort level of users. Apart from this, the center has also adopted latest information technology mediums like CD, DVD, Multimedia Kits, Bar-Code Scanners, Text as well as Graphic Scanners and biometric readers for the convenience of the library visitors. The library portal facilitates access to digital resources like journals, magazines, videos, CDs, etc and also provides all relevant and useful information about the library in addition to linking the Central Library Resource Center of the University.
In this area, as the time goes by, many hi-tecnologies are being used, and give the visitors a comfortable and easy researching for their needs, therefore in modern libraries for now are bundled to Information Technology.
          The PRINTING PRESS is not only for those copyrights articles, but it deals also with technology. Technological innovation is essential for human development, and it is a big help to certain industry that deals with technologies and focuses their study with the Information Technology. From the printing press to the computer, people have devised tools for facilitating learning and communication. Technology is not inherently good or bad, because on the outcome depends on how it is used. A printing press is a device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium such as; paper or cloth, thereby transferring the ink. Sometimes it is used for texts, the invention and spread of the printing press are widely regarded as the most influential events in the second millennium AD, revolutionizing the way people conceive and describe the world they live in, and ushering in the period of modernity. In Renaissance Europe which I have read on of the websites where I refered my study, the arrival of mechanical movable type printing introduced the era of mass communication which permanently altered the structure of society.
          Surprisingly, a TELEPHONE  is one of the simplest devices you have in your house. It is so simple because the telephone connection to your house has not changed in nearly a century. If you have an antique phone from the 1920s, you could connect it to the wall jack in your house and it would work fine!That's the technology works.Telephone applications often require and use positive grounding in the central office.
The telephone line wires are commonly referred as TIP and RING. Those names originate from plugboard terminology but from now on, there has a modernized telephones by the technologists, the have created the telephones with wireless antennas or with a small media screens connected CCTV camera. In addition, it is bundled to Information Technology because this is one of the technologies they have been using for their works, and so that it is developed and modernized.
          The AIRPLANE is a heavier-than-air vehicle designed to use the pressures created by its motion through the air to lift and transport useful loads. A great created technology used for the transportations to abroads or to local places. To achieve practical, controllable flight, an airplane must consist of a source of good condition engine. Further, to be more satisfied, the vehicle should display stable characteristics, so that if it is disturbed from an equilibrium condition, forces and moments are created which return it to its original condition without necessitating corrective action on the part of the pilot. Efficient design will minimize the aerodynamic drag, thereby reducing the propulsive thrust required for a given flight condition, and will maximize the lifting capability per pound of airframe and engine weight, thereby increasing the useful, or transportable, load. Then remember always that this kind technology is not easy to reach for those dreamers, because including the pilots are experts of information technology, and they are can be called technologists because of what they have committed to do their job as pilots, and there is the bundled there to Information Technology because without technolgy, there is no airplanes, because it is operated by technology.

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